Tuesday, March 17, 2020

In the Midst of COVID-19

             Corona Virus 2019 (COVID-19) is almost everywhere. This has been one of the great challenges to humans. But as we are facing this problem, what should we do?
             Here in the Philippines, as of the moment, there are 187 confirmed cases of the COVID-19, 4 people who recovered, and 14 fatalities. With these, our government is doing everything to stop the spreading of the Virus. President Rodrigo Duterte declared a state of calamity due to the rising cases of COVID-19. However, the entire Luzon is under Enhanced Community Quarantine until April 12, 2020. For me, it is similar to what we call lock-down. Philippines is called a Christian Country because the there are more believers of Christ than other religions who don't believe in Christ. I belong to a Pentecostal Church and right now, I am here in Ilocos Sur - one of the provinces in Luzon. We cannot go out unless buying necessities. One person is only allowed to buy them. There are a lot of restrictions and it includes MASS gathering. 
               As a Christian, I go to church every Sunday to Praise and Worship God together with my co-believers. But at this time, we shall be having live streaming and we need to avoid mass gathering to avoid the spread of COVID-19. There are other christians who criticise churches due to the cancellation of Sunday services. They would even ask, "Where is your faith?" "Is COVID-19 greater than your God?" Hmmnn.. why do these people ask such questions in this time of crisis? 
                 I am pleading to my fellow believers, can we just cooperate with our government? Can we just all pray for our country and other countries who are suffering too much because of this COVID-19. We are called to be the light of the world. Instead of criticism, let  us cooperate. The government's plea is for us not to spread the virus and not to stop our faith. This is for the meantime only and it only requires obedience. Let us use this opportunity to spend our time to our families, to focus on simple things, we might be missing other simple yet important things before. Remember too that Satan even tempted Jesus to jump on from high place that God will surely take care of Him and won't let him be harmed and Jesus did not give in to that, rather he rebuked Satan. 
                 Our faith will not stop. Our faith is not compromised just because of MASS gathering cancellation because of our fight to COVID-19. Let us then strengthen our faith - - - pray for one another. We can surpass this as long as we hold on to our faith. God heals and restores.

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